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⏱️Product Concepts in Seconds not Days | Create Impact with your Brand

How to use prompts and AI to create product concepts in seconds

Welcome to another Friday Marketeers.

Another week has gone by and there’s yet another marketing tool, term or concept to get your head around. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you keep up!

In today’s newsletter:

📌 How to use prompts and AI to create product concepts in seconds

📌 Give your brand a refresh and deliver it with impact

📌 Latest social media news

📌 Product Concepts in Seconds

Putting pen to paper is a challenge in of itself, but you desperately need to share your idea with the rest of the team. And sometimes just describing it doesn’t cut the mustard.

So as to avoid looking…well…mad:

There are tools at hand which can help avoid this state of mind. The best place to start is with Midjourney.

This text-to-image model (check out this blog post on stable diffusion to better understand this model) is likely the most well known, but poorley understood.

Things you will need:

  • A Midjourney account (don’t worry there’s a free trial period)

  • A Discord* account and the app

  • 1x mad idea

*If you’re unaware of Discord or aged +40, I suggest getting on board with this sleeping giant of a communications channel.

With these tools in hand, you’re ready to go. Let me show you how my idea went.

In Discord, you need to enter your ‘prompt’. As Midjourney uses a text-to-image model, I need to tell it what I want to see in my image.

Our Prompt:

a can of coca cola wearing a stetson on a farm in texas, realistic, ar 1:1

Midjouney then does it’s thing:

Great, we’re beginning to see the shape of the idea. But we can finesse this.

I’m a fan of image 2 (clockwise), so I ask Midjourney to produce variations on this image. The changes are subtle, but I can see small amends to the hat and the can.

And before you know it, we’ve got the shape of a product concept to share with the marketing team, and no one thinks we’ve lost the plot.

It doesn’t need to be perfect

The keen-eyed among you will notice that it doesn’t get it perfect. Because I have definitely never had a ‘Coa-Cola’.

If you just want to get the conversation moving, this is a great tool and process to do just that. And you you can keep evolving the concept once your team have fed back their ideas.

If you’re asking yourself What is Prompting for Generative AI? We have a short outline to get you started.


Here are some variations which expand the concept by design and location.

Prompt: a can of coca cola with a French theme on the champs elysees in paris, realistic, ar 1:1

Prompt: A can of coca cola with a Texas theme

This simple prompt took my thinking process off in a completely different direction. One where I imagined a can of Coca Cola per state of the United States.

📌 New Ideas for Bigger Brand Impact

Following on the theme of rapid prototyping. Here’s a great way to inject new life into your brand and get some much needed attention.

Whilst the outcome looks simple enough, it’s the execution that interests me most on this project.

Why not use your brand in new and exciting ways, or even just to start a conversation. Below is Nike’s easy to recognise logo beautifully embedded in a variety of natural environments.

So what’s the trick?

There’s no trick, just good tools.

This was created using Stable Diffusion and ControlNet, which do act as a barrier to entry due to the fact several programmes and expert knowledge is required.

But it can be replicated in Photoshop, so get your designer to put their thinking cap on and make it happen for your business.

Get creative

I am always impressed when new tools are used to deliver something stand-out. But I am amazed by people’s creativity from using what they already have to create impactful works.

And now a word from our sponsor:

Looking for a digital marketing partner?

Bea Media provides its clients with smart and effective solutions to support their new and exisitng marketing campaigns.

We’ll help you produce great content that speaks to your customer.

📌 Social Media Update

Instagram Introduces Broadcast Channels

According to Instagram, this will be a new way for creators to deepen connectiosn with their followers.

What does that actually mean?

It seems they are bringing functions more broadly associated with Whatsapp over to Instagram. These will allow creators to share sneak peeks of upcoming content, ask for feedback via polls and share voice notes with their followers.

Interestingly, these broadcasts have the option to be time-limited, which means these channels can be used prior to a specific event.

Instagram summarise it as:

“Creators can use broadcast channels to help followers stay in-the-know with the latest updates and behind-the-scenes moments using text, photo, video, voice notes and polls. Followers can react to content and participate in polls.”