Five GPTs to Make You Work Smarter

Welcome back to the Smart CMO Newsletter, where I share with you trends and technology that's going to make your job as a marketer easier (hopefully).

I wanted to kick off the new year with something that I've been obsessed with since about mid-2023.

By now ChatGPT should be on everyone's radar, but have you heard of 'GPTs' more specifically?

Here's what OpenAI (created ChatGPT) describes this new feature as:

Discover and create custom versions of ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills.

Essentially, anyone can take the underlying technology of ChatGPT and repurpose it to undertake a specific task, such as:

  • Copywriter, Logo Creator, Research Assistant etc

In one swoop, OpenAI have killed 100s of startups which emerged in 2023 to repackage ChatGPT into carrying out specific tasks.

Whilst early commentators were concerned that solutions like ChatGPT would be coming for our jobs, the last six months of working with AI has taught us is that, at current levels solutions like ChatGPT are great at individual tasks, not whole "jobs".

So with that in mind, I wanted to share with you a few great examples of GPTs and the tasks they can undertake.

Top Five GPTs I've Used

1 - DALL·E

Probably the most underrated GPT out there. Generate unique images in seconds.

I've used this GPT to help me create images for blog posts, social media and other items like press releases.

Here's a little hint: the images created in this newsletter are created with DALL-E and I'll share the prompt at the end so you can try it out for yourself.

DALL-E nails it everytime, and the only limit is your imagination.

Got a PDF document? Want to extract the key learnings, quotes from people in the document, or write a short summary of the PDF?

This GPT allows you to interrogate a PDF to find out information using simple questions.

It's like asking someone in your time to read the PDF, then respond to each of your questions immediately and present the information you've requested.

This type of assistant saves me an incredible amount of time. I consider it like the search function (Ctrl+F) on steroids.

Believe me you'll find a use for this very quickly.

Does exactly what it says on the tin...

Upload a picture of a website and the GPT will output HTML/ Tailwind/ JS code.

Super helpful if you either don't have the capability in-house or just want something to get started with.

This is my approach when I want to take a design, even a draft, from ideation to something more practical. Upload the image, ask for HTML, then tweak in my own software.

As someone who used to work as an analyst, I know all too well the dreary task of combing through CSV files looking for trends and noteworthy data.

Well, this is your very own data analyst.

Upload a CSV or Excel file and this GPT can help analyze and visualise your data.

[Note: Please don't share any business sensitive data.]

Got some market data you want to quickly comb through, this can be a great first pass.

I can't not mention my own GPT in this list, but truth is, I use this almost every day. I wanted a way to reimagine my social media posts, or just get a second opinion.

So I created my own GPT to help me craft engaging social media posts and generate standout images.

What was critical to me when building this GPT was to inform it with what makes a great post. I explained the structure of a post - from an engaging 'hook', the use of insightful information, and a clearly defined CTA.

Then I explained the difference between posting on different platforms such as X (Twitter) or LinkedIn. It's job is to help the user get to the point of having a well defined post, suitable for their purpose.

Give it a whirl!

My DALL-E Prompt

As promised, here is the prompt I used to generate those images. As with any instructions, they need to be clear and concise.

I am careful to break up my prompt into "sections", so that I cover all bases without being too vague. Here's how I grouped these:

[Five Images] [Aspect Ratio] [Abstract Background] [Numbers in Image: White]

I need five images with an aspect ratio of 800px by 400px, each image needs to include an abstract background and the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on each image in white.

If you want to go further, you can ask the GPT if it understands your request and ask what other information it might need.

My approach is to treat the interaction as if I am talking to a colleague. Questions are welcome, and clarity is always appreciated.

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