Custom Influencers are Coming

Smart CMO - Be the smartest marketer in the room

This is the news that 'digital avatars' are coming.

It's fair to say we already have digital avatars, such as online profiles and computer generated avatars (video game style).

What I mean here is the intersection between avatars and AI.

As part of TikTok Symphony (currently Beta access only) - their new Creative AI Suite - you will be able to create digital representations of real people.

Designed to mimic human appearance and behavior, allowing them to appear in digital media in place of the actual individuals they represent.

Why Are They Needed?

According to TikTok, this new feature is designed to build trust between brands and consumers.

The reasearch says:

Digital avatars are there to help brands:

  • Scale and globalise branded content

  • Create a personalised human feel

  • Whilst utilising a wide variety of gestures, expressions, nationalities, ages and languages.

How Can These Be Used?

They will be offering two types of digital avatars - Stock Avatars and Custom Avatars.

Here's their example, Adrienne:

TikTok Symphony Digital Avatar - Adrienne

Watch the full reel here:


Introducing TikTok Symphony: our new Creative AI suite that blends human imagination with AI-powered efficiency to help marketers scale co... See more

Off The Shelf

Stock Avatars are pre-built.

Created using paid actors that are licensed for commercial use.

Stock Avatars are there to allow businesses of all sizes to add a human touch to their content. This gives businesses quick access to a diverse range of backgrounds, nationalities, and over 30 languages.


Then there's the custom route.

Custom Avatars are ideal to represent a creator or a brand spokesperson.

Essentially removing the need to drag your CEO in front of a camera, and providing your customers with a consistent brand representative.

And now they can take advatage of multi-lingual avatars to expand global reach and brand collaborations for your campaigns.

What are the Upsides?

Enhanced Content Creation

Marketers can use AI tools to generate content that resonates with audiences more effectively, enhancing both creativity and productivity. The suite offers tools for scripting, asset optimisation, and video production, which can significantly reduce the time and resources needed for content creation.

Global Reach and Localisation

Marketers will have the capability to easily adapt their content for different linguistic and cultural contexts. This is particularly valuable for global campaigns, as it allows for a seamless transition across languages and enhances the accessibility of the content to a broader audience.

Personalisation at Scale

Avatars can be customised to reflect a wide variety of gestures, and expressions, which helps brands create more personalised and relatable content. This level of customisation can lead to increased trust and engagement from users.

Strategic Use of AI in Marketing

The accompanying data will offer a strategic advantage by providing tools that not only assist in content creation but also offer insights and analytics to optimise this content.

And the Downsides?

Potential Loss of Authenticity: Utilizing AI-generated content can risk the perception of authenticity. Audiences value genuine interactions and might be turned off by content that feels too manufactured or impersonal, especially if it's obvious that an avatar, rather than a real person, is being used.

Ethical Concerns: There are ethical considerations around the use of digital likenesses, particularly concerning consent and the potential misuse of someone’s identity. Issues could arise from misrepresenting or inaccurately portraying individuals, which could lead to backlash or legal challenges.

Cultural and Linguistic Nuances: While AI can translate content into multiple languages, it might not always capture cultural and linguistic nuances correctly. This could lead to miscommunications or cultural insensitivity, potentially alienating parts of the audience.

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In the Real World

Here are my first thoughts on where this tech actually has a real world application.

1. Brand Influencers

Enhanced Brand Presence: Digital avatars can act as brand ambassadors, representing the brand consistently across various digital platforms. They can participate in influencer campaigns, appearing in videos, live streams, and interactive content.

Consistency and Reliability: Unlike human influencers who may have varying availability, digital avatars can be programmed to engage with the audience at any time, ensuring a consistent brand presence.

Diverse Representation: Brands can create avatars that represent different demographics, helping them connect with a broader audience and fostering inclusivity.

2. Customer Service Representatives

24/7 Availability: Avatars can handle customer inquiries around the clock, providing immediate responses and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Multilingual Support: With the ability to communicate in over 30 languages, avatars can assist a global customer base, making it easier to expand into new markets.

Personalised Interactions: By utilising customer data, avatars can offer personalised assistance, improving the overall customer experience and building stronger customer relationships.

3. Corporate Spokespersons

Consistent Messaging: Avatars can deliver corporate messages with precise consistency, ensuring that all communications align with the company’s values and objectives.

Crisis Management: During crises, avatars can be quickly deployed to provide timely updates and maintain a steady flow of information, helping to manage public perception and control the narrative.

Internal Communications: Avatars can also be used for internal communications, such as training videos, company announcements, and employee engagement initiatives, making the dissemination of information more engaging.

Final Thoughts

TikTok Symphony's AI-powered avatars are not just a novelty.

They represent a significant advancement in digital marketing and customer engagement.

The opportunity here is in how brands opt to integrate this tech. A light-hearted approach would work well in e-commerce and retail, whilst a more serious and authoritative approach would suit corporates looking to expand the tools available to them.

I will be on the lookout for brands leveraging these avatars to enhance their brand presence, streamline operations, and create more personalised and engaging experiences for their audiences.

📌 Want more insights?

Previously on the Smart CMO: 5 Ways CMOs Are Using GenAI

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